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International Women’s Day

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

This morning at the gym I joined in Buenos Aires, a trainer wished me “Feliz Día de la Mujer” which was the first time I’ve ever been greeted this way, although for me every day is women’s day. As someone who identifies as a woman and as someone who identifies as a feminist, I decided IWD is something I should probably be more knowledgeable about and I’ve compiled this handy guide for you, as well. So whether you’re abroad, like me, or on campus when you read this, if it’s March 8th, it is International Women’s Day and you should be mindful of this, because as far as women’s rights have come, we’re not there yet and by there I mean ~equal~. The quote below from earlier today sums this up very well.

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The DL on GZ: Spotlight on Colleen Patterson

By: AnnaLiese Burich ‘17

If you have a hankering for a milkshake at USC, you know where to go: Ground Zero. But Ground Zero is more than just a place for milkshakes—it’s an experience. There’s nothing quite like the ambiance: the hip dim lighting, the mood music, the constant whirring of blenders, and the oh-so comfortable couches. And, most importantly, there’s the stage. Night and day, there’s usually some sort of performance happening that’s cool, mindblowing, and all done by students.

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