Trojans360 Articles

Trojans360 Trojans360

Why I Decided to Drop my Minor in Digital Studies

Last semester, I wrote an article titled “Why I Decided to Minor in Digital Studies.” Meet her older, slighter wiser sister article, “Why I Decided to Drop my Minor in Digital Studies.” I recommend reading the prior article before this one for extra context, but if you enjoy a good TLDR: I am a cognitive science major interested in working in product design. I declared a minor in Digital Studies because I thought it would include courses that would help develop skills for a career in product design, while also allowing me the benefits of being a SCA student.

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

Spring Admits: Next Stop, USC

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

Hello Spring Admits! I can’t believe you will be here in a few weeks. Right now, you’re probably excited and nervous, so here’s everything you should know about move in, Welcome Week, academics, clubs, food, and more!

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