Trojans360 Articles

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How to Stay Motivated while Job-Hunting

By: Antonia Le ‘22

I am a senior this year, and if my finals go well, I will officially graduate from USC this December. Sometimes, it’s fun to think about life beyond academia, but mostly, I’m just stressed out. Unlike many of my peers in the class of 2022, I haven’t secured a full-time role for after graduation. I’ve done countless interviews and written so many cover letters, but nobody has thrown me a bone yet. As I write this, I am thinking about how I have to do four interviews next week, and I would be lying if I said that I was particularly excited.

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Campus Life, First Years Trojans360 Campus Life, First Years Trojans360

Six Steps to a Perfect Schedule

By: Lindsey Hamilton ‘22

Trying to get all of your classes — the right courses and the right time with the right teacher — can sometimes feel like a ferocious free-for-all. But with patience and a little strategy, figuring out next semester’s schedule should feel less like a mad dash and more like a fun puzzle. (Not even an exaggeration — I’m not the only one who finds planning fun…right?) Here are the top tips to finessing fall semester and taking another step towards that degree.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

How to Time-Manage Like a Pro

By: Natalia Wurst ‘21

There’s an informal consensus I’ve gathered from making conversation with sleep deprived people on elevators: midterm season is just a never-ending cycle of death that comes at you every few weeks and doesn’t go away. I make a lot of jokes about crying at Leavey for a girl who’s trying to seem reputable here, so we’ll put those aside for now–here’s how to finally get around to being productive in these very bleak times.

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