Trojans360 Articles

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Tips for Maintaining Good Posture During Zoom Meetings

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

Zoom Meetings. Today we can’t avoid them. But humans weren’t made to be sitting down in front of a computer screen all day long and you might be feeling the effects of this in your body. So what are some ways that we can all loosen up our shoulders and straighten our spines? These simple actions are the least we could do for ourselves. Below are some tips that I try incorporating in my life and have found to be helpful!

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SC Spotlight Trojans360 SC Spotlight Trojans360

The New Feminism: STEMinism ft. Cool Women Scientists at USC!

By: Lindsey Hamilton ‘22

Challenge: name one woman scientist… other than Marie Curie. While Ms. Curie certainly earned her title as the quintessential female scientist with her discovery of radioactivity and the elements radium and polonium, she is just one small piece of the larger picture of women in science. Women have made invaluable contributions to science, despite many obstacles preventing them from succeeding in a field not historically welcoming to females. But times are quickly changing, spurred on by passionate, brave, intelligent women in all fields of research. It is therefore with great pride that I would like to feature some of these incredible women making big strides in the world of science right in our very own USC community.

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Helpful Tips Trojans360 Helpful Tips Trojans360

Top 10 Ways to Actually Use Top 10 Lists (& other ways to deal with information overload)

By: Lindsey Hamilton ‘22

You’ve seen them all. There are so many “top ten” lists and similar compilations of bite-sized information you could practically make an encyclopedia. Yet because lists are meant to be skimmed, depth is usually sacrificed. We have so much information easily available that we don’t know what to do with it — so oftentimes we don’t do anything. But that’s not good! We have the potential to do so much good in the world, and I believe that in approaching information from the right angle we can do just this. So in the spirit of our favorite easy-to-read format, here is a list of ways to hack the famous Top Ten List and deal with information overload (including some other fun Top Ten finds)!

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