Trojans360 Articles

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New Year, Not So New You

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

The new year is coming up soon, and that means it’s almost time to start thinking about a New Year’s resolution. Instead of making some cliche resolution about eating healthier, or something you won’t realistically accomplish like working out everyday, pick something that’s actually attainable. Chances are you don’t even remember what your resolution was last year. That’s why I want to challenge you to this: Come January, make a resolution that’s unique and actually write it down. Writing down your goals makes it much more likely that you’ll actually achieve them. So, let’s get into it! Here are 10 not cliche New Year’s resolutions you could take for your own!

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What is a USG Resolution?

By: Paul Samaha ‘17

So you’ve probably heard a lot about “resolutions” over the past few weeks– from the diversity climate resolution to the college affordability and tuition transparency resolution, there has been a lot of talk, hype and speculation about what these resolutions are, and what they can do. There has also been some rumors and misconceptions on what exactly happens when and if a resolution is passed within the Undergraduate Student Government Legislative Branch (USG Senate). As your Trojans 360 USG rep, I’m here to clarify everything you may or may not know about resolutions!

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