Trojans360 Articles

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My Post-Grad Reading List

Every summer, I always look forward to three months of what I consider uninterrupted reading time. This year, my “to be read” list is naturally veering towards themes around graduation and what comes after it since I will be navigating post-grad life. If you’re also heading into the unknown, here are some books I’ll be reading to navigate this simultaneous ending and new beginning.

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What To Do Post-Graduation (that isn’t getting a 9-5 job!)

By: Talia Walters ‘20

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been asked what I plan on doing after graduation almost nonstop since the beginning of my senior year. My answer is always the same – a scoff that’s the mixture between exasperation, terror, and immediate anxiety – which usually prompts a sympathetic laugh in response. We all focus so hard on getting into grad school or making sure we apply to all the right jobs, that no one really stops to realize we don’t have to do those things. No one is forcing us to go to Med School or Law School, and no one is making us get a big person job. If it doesn’t seem right for you to send in application after application, sealing your fate until you retire, then don’t. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. Of course, you still need an answer to that dreaded question. What would you do after graduation if you weren’t doing more school or going straight into the workforce? Well, friend, do I have a list for you! Below, I’ve compiled a few different routes for post-grad life that aren’t just going to grad school or getting a “real” job. They’re all entirely unique options, and maybe you’ll find the one that’s right for you!

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