Trojans360 Articles

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Why You Should Work at Kitty Bungalow as Your Work-Study Job

Last semester, I started at my first work-study job, and it was exactly what everyone thinks of when they think of work-study; I sat at a front desk and did homework for four hours while occasionally being interrupted to make a photocopy or direct a lost student. This type of job is a great option if you worry about balancing work with school – I certainly was my most productive at work and often felt like I was doubling up on my productivity by basically getting paid to do homework. If you’re looking for a more fun and engaging way to earn your work-study award, however, I highly suggest applying next year to be a cat care assistant at the cat shelter Kitty Bungalow, my much more interesting current work-study position.

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The Self-Care Report: Why it’s so Easy to Put Yourself Last

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

When you’re busy and tired it can be the first thing to go. Taking care of yourself when you’re in a mental fog and on the brink of exhaustion is the last thing on your list that seems important with looming deadlines, but it’s the most important. Studies show dedicating time towards self-care increases productivity, well-being, and happiness…and even might improve your GPA.

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