Trojans360 Articles

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How to Rock your Family Weekend 2k15

By: AnnaLiese Burich ‘17

So. Your parents are in town (and maybe your siblings too!) That’s great! You’re so excited! They’re stoked! You’re stoked! Then, they ask you what the three-day plan will be, and your heart stops. What will your three-day plan be? Normally on weekends, you just bum around with your friends, get some Blaze, and sleep until 2 pm! Oh no, what have you done?! You now have to prove to your parents that you live an exciting, responsible life full of nourishing food, educational activities, and good friends!

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LA Life Trojans360 LA Life Trojans360

LACMArt History

By: AnnaLiese Burich ‘17

Museums: they’re either something you love or you hate. Or, you don’t like them but pretend you do to maintain your #artsy hipster and persona. Me? I love them. I especially love modern art; for a hot second last year, my dream job was to be the curator of the MoMA in New York. I used to be an art history major, so when I go to museums I don’t see random doodles on a white wall. When I see a black canvas, I don’t think to myself “Psh, I could have done that,” but instead of the rich layers of meaning associated with it, both historical and symbolical.

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LA Life Trojans360 LA Life Trojans360

Seeing Stars and How to Catch Them

By: AnnaLiese Burich ‘17

We all knew it when we applied, we all knew it when we chose to come here, and we all know it every time we leave the house: celebrities live in LA. We live amongst the stars; this is Hollywood, land of glamour and paparazzi and home to every one of our favorite entertainment industry professionals (except the odd ones out who live in New York – whatever).

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LA Life Trojans360 LA Life Trojans360


By: AnnaLiese Burich ‘17

Saturday. 2 am. If you’re Taylor Swift, at 2 am, you’re in your car, with windows down (you pass my street, the memories start). If you go to USC, at 2 am, you’re probably in Spudnuts Donuts. Should you never have had the pleasure of attending this incredibly fine establishment in the ever-classy strip mall (at the corner of 28th and Fig), boy, are you missing out.

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