Trojans360 Articles

Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

My Beef with Food

The demanding combination of attaining a degree, maintaining a social life, and growing as a student can be extremely difficult. We, in turn, tend to sacrifice parts of our daily lives in order to meet the vast rigor of college, and a lot of the time, it is our daily meals and nutritional intake that get deprioritized.

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A Beginner’s Guide To Meal Prepping

By: Star McCown ‘21

What is Meal Prep? Meal prep is when you plan your meals and snacks for the week ahead of time, preparing your meals early on, and portioning them out for convenient meals-to-go throughout the week. Why should you try meal prepping? Well, meal prepping can help you eat balanced and nutritious meals, and exercise good portion control. You can also save money planning and making your meals ahead of time rather than eating out when you’re too busy to cook, or wasting money on groceries that end up going bad before you remember to use them. Don’t know how to cook? That’s okay! Your meal prep journey can begin with simple beginner recipes, and over time, you can level up your meal prep once you feel more confident in your cooking abilities. If meal prep sounds like something you want to try, then this blog post will help you get started on your meal prep journey.

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