Trojans360 Articles

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Why I Don’t Make New Years’ Resolutions Anymore

The start of the new year feels like a blank slate or the perfect opportunity to rewrite the script of our lives. For years, I embraced the spirit of the New Years’ resolution, partly because it was a popular grade school post-recess activity and partly because I genuinely enjoyed believing I would be a different person in the next calendar year. My lists would look a little different every year but would still be brimming with the same ambitious flavor.

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New Year, Not So New You

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

The new year is coming up soon, and that means it’s almost time to start thinking about a New Year’s resolution. Instead of making some cliche resolution about eating healthier, or something you won’t realistically accomplish like working out everyday, pick something that’s actually attainable. Chances are you don’t even remember what your resolution was last year. That’s why I want to challenge you to this: Come January, make a resolution that’s unique and actually write it down. Writing down your goals makes it much more likely that you’ll actually achieve them. So, let’s get into it! Here are 10 not cliche New Year’s resolutions you could take for your own!

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4 Ways to Stick To Your Resolutions

By: Judy Lee ‘17

A few weeks after the magic of New Years dies down, it’s hard to continue to fight on (ha ha, pun intended) for your resolutions. Here are several things to consider when you struggle to regain motivation:

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New Years Resolutions Every 20-Something Should Have

By: Judy Lee ‘17

1. Learn something new: A language, an art, a science, how to apply makeup, how to cut your own hair—tons of DIY skills to be acquired out there! Expand your mind and promote not just a culture of learning, but a wrinklier brain…

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The Self-Care Report: Why it’s so Easy to Put Yourself Last

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

When you’re busy and tired it can be the first thing to go. Taking care of yourself when you’re in a mental fog and on the brink of exhaustion is the last thing on your list that seems important with looming deadlines, but it’s the most important. Studies show dedicating time towards self-care increases productivity, well-being, and happiness…and even might improve your GPA.

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