Trojans360 Articles

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Introverts and Extroverts: What are these pseudointellectual words being thrown around and what does it mean?

By: Lauren Brose ‘15

What exactly is the difference between an extrovert and an introvert? Most speculate that introversion is synonymous to shyness and being an extrovert means you have a very outgoing personality. I agreed with that statement until I did a bit of digging around. I became interested in this topic because I never identified myself as a full on extrovert although between the two I was definitely more so that than an introvert. I most precisely identified myself as a mix between the two. Friends would say “Lauren don’t be ridiculous you’re not a shy person at all” and although I wasn’t the shyest at the very least, I identified with a lot of the attributes I assumed an introverted person—that being, a lesser outgoing person—would possess.

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