Trojans360 Articles

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The Ultimate Meditation Playlist

By: Ellice Ellis '20

It’s almost spring break, Trojans! Many of us have taken one or two midterms, outlined key term papers, or are gearing up to take a relaxing week off from our studies. For myself, I stress more than ever before winter break, summer break, or spring break because I try to balance relaxing and being productive before the vacation period even starts. If you’ve found yourself in this boat or are just generally stressed about school, work or life — this post is for you.

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Staying Well During Midterms

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

It’s the height of midterm season and everyone around you is getting sick. The combination of lack of sleep, stress, and lack of self-care can easily lead to you feeling unwell when you most need to be at your best. It’s easy to forget to do the things that keep us well when things get hectic, leading to a positive feedback loop of stress. Here are some reminders and tips for you to be and stay well!

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Meditation Tips for College Students

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

It seems like it’s always something when it comes to our health and wellness. From yoga to barre to being gluten-free or juicing every day; there is always a new trend. “Mindfulness” and “meditation” are popular buzzwords these days but they’ve been a part of my life for almost 10 years! I started meditating after attending group yoga when I was in middle school. My parent’s had recently gotten divorced and my mom found it was a good way to channel and focus negative energy and thoughts. 7 years later, I found she was right.

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5 Easy Steps To A Healthier You

By: Judy Lee ‘17

1. Get sleep done—the right way: despite what everyone says, we all have individual sleep needs. Some of us can survive off 6 hours and feel groggy after 10, and some will be the opposite. Take a week to learn how you fare at different hours and stick to the one that gives you the best rest. Keep in mind that most sleep cycles are completed within 1.5 hours. So, for me, I generally need around 7.5 hours to feel rested…

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