Trojans360 Articles

Trojans360 Trojans360

A Night of Talks: A Nobel Laureate and ex-CIA Director speak at USC.

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

This past March 9th, 2017 I had the pleasure of attending two speaker events. The beauty of USC is that you can have your major and still be in touch with your interests. My way of doing that is attending more speaker events that I should be on campus. It is rare that on the same day there are two high profile speaker events but the Thursday of March 9th was one of those days.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Delicious Social Innovation

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

On Tuesday, the Sol Price Center for Social Innovation hosted a social innovation seminar called “Delicious Social Innovation” with representatives from 5000 Pies, With Love Market and Café, and Everytable.

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

Get Going at USC!

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

You’ll here it from everyone once you start classes. The best way to make the most of your university experience is to join clubs & organizations. The USC office of campus activities lists more than 800 registered student groups you can be a part of. The full list can be found here.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

New Blogger Introduction: Ayman Siraj

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

It’s funny that in my native mother tongue of Bangla there is no word for ‘Hello!’ When I’m writing in English, my brain is thinking in Bangla while my hands translate to English. On that note, Hello! My name is Ayman and I’m a sophomore majoring in Chemical Engineering with a Nanotechnology emphasis and Cyber Security specialization (I know that is a mouthful). I’m stoked to be blogging for Trojans 360 and would like to thank Andrea & Felicia for giving me the opportunity to do so.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Art as Activism as a Blog Post

By: Michael Boyle ‘18

On the surface, “art” and “activism” feel as if they could conflict with one another. Activism has a specific goal rooted in the real world and often brushes up against the uglier side of humanity. Art, on the other hand, is about boundless creative expression, often depicting beauty. Yet at their cores, the artist and the activist are quite similar people. Both are deeply passionate about their emotionally involving work. So the question becomes, how does someone exist as both an artist and and activist? Last Sunday, at the Los Angeles Festival of Books, I attended a panel that answered this very question.

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LA Life, Career Trojans360 LA Life, Career Trojans360

LA Mag: The Breakfast Conversation Series

By: Hannah Kim ‘15

Los Angeles Magazine recently hosted a panel where women leaders came together to talk about the importance of mentorship. Though they work in different fields and come from disparate backgrounds, these women all share the quality of being a *~badass~*. Whether they’re facilitating youth outreach programs in South Central LA or giving women the perfect blowout, they are empowered leaders who are making a tangible impact in their communities.

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LA Life, Study Abroad Trojans360 LA Life, Study Abroad Trojans360

Higher Education in a Vacation Destination

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

With consistently ideal weather and plenty of events and adventures available every single day, it is easy to forget the responsibilities that go hand-in-hand with higher education. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, with the unlimited swipes meal plan freshman year, life was basically an all-inclusive resort. Until of course, midterms roll around and reality rears its ugly head.

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