Trojans360 Articles

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I Went to the Career Center for the First Time

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

Before this week, I had never been to a career fair, I had never visited the career center, and I wasn’t doing internships that were even remotely related to my major or career interests. Oh. And I’m a first-semester junior. Watching my friends look for internships and jobs to boost their resume made me happy for them, but also a little scared for myself. Was I behind? Did I need to be networking my butt off in the way all my friends were?

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LinkedIn Tips and Tricks

By: Danielle Collins ‘20

Network! Connect! Search! Getting started on LinkedIn can seem daunting, but once you get the hang of it, it’s very manageable. I recently set up my LinkedIn account and have been slowly adding to it. I’ve met with a career advisor, and gotten advice from friends and people who work in my field about how to best use LinkedIn. I’m by no means an expert, but I thought I’d share some of the helpful tips I’ve learned so far! I’ll walk you through some tricks I’ve learned for how to create your LinkedIn profile, how to make connections, how to best use the “Search” feature, and how posting works. Check out whichever section you want to learn more about, or all of them if you’re new to LinkedIn!

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Work On It Wednesday: Informational Interview

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

As college students, the best tool to network is informational interviews. Informational interviews allow you to become well-informed about the industry you’re interested in and are a great way to develop some contacts in your field. Top-level and mid-level executives rarely take calls from strangers, but for college students eager to learn there is an exception. Being a USC student is a powerful brand to get your foot in the door, so use it to your advantage.

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Summer Recap of Work On It Wednesday

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

I created Work On It Wednesday around the idea of taking time each week to invest in long-term career planning and building a personal image. During summer I found that it was easy to put my long-term career planning on the back burner when I didn’t have a set routine. Therefore, each Wednesday when I’ve posted tips, tricks, and advice to help improve your online image and achieve your career goals, I’ve been following them too.

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Work on It Wednesday: LinkedIn

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

Summer is a great time to invest in your career goals and personal image. During the school year, it is easy to get caught up in classwork and extra curricular activities and put your long-term career planning on the back burner. Therefore, each Wednesday I will post tips, tricks and advice from across the Internet to help you improve your online image and achieve your career goals. First step, LinkedIn!

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