Trojans360 Articles

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5 Best Places to Study on Campus

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

It is that time of the semester when the whole campus seems to get serious about studies – midterms are in full swing, group projects assigned and for some panic sets in as they try to keep up with the express pace of classes at USC. Many of us think of Leavey Library but there are other great spots as well. Here is my list of the 5 best places to study on campus!

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Trojans360 Trojans360

A Guide to USC’s Libraries

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

Recently, a student asked your hardworking friends at Trojans 360 to create a guide to USC’s libraries and I have volunteered my services for the task. As it turns out, there a lot more libraries available to met than I ever realized. If you want more information about the hours of these libraries or the services available, the USC library website has a whole lot of info.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

6 Types of Leavey Lurkers

By: Judy Lee ‘17

There are undoubtedly a lot of interesting characters around finals week, but no reality show could ever beat the amount you’d see gathered in ye ‘ol Leavey library. Here are a few you may be familiar with:

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