Trojans360 Articles

College Trojans360 College Trojans360

I Ran a 5K! Why I Did It and Exploring PHED Classes

I am exceptionally bad at all of my hobbies. As someone who leans towards perfectionism, this has always frustrated me. Activities that were supposed to be fun quickly turned sour when I stagnated in my progress — how could I have fun when I wasn’t improving my skills in a productive way? 

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College, Campus Life, Our Communities Trojans360 College, Campus Life, Our Communities Trojans360

Getting Involved at USC: A Survey of Clubs You Should Join

In my first year at USC, like many freshmen, I scrolled through the endless list of student orgs and clubs on campus and attended the involvement fair, but I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of clubs to choose from and the lack of substantial information about what each club entails. I ultimately found nothing I was interested in joining. It turns out that the best way to gain insight on clubs is to talk to people who’ve attended the meetings and paid the dues.

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