Trojans360 Articles

First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

Adulting 101

By: Alexis Peters ‘20

When you’re first going off to college, people don’t tell you the whole story. They talk about how much fun it was, how many great friends they made, all of the crazy adventures they had. And when people do mention the not so great parts of college, they might talk about the workload, having to pull all nighters, and their weird freshman roommate. But nobody tells you about how hard it is to grow up and actually start being an adult. Who knew adulting was so hard?? And expensive?? I have had my fair share of ups and downs while trying to figure out this brave new adult world, so here I give you a crash course in ADULTING 101.

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The Truth About Getting A Bad Grade

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

To make my intro short; college is hard. Balancing massive amounts of free time, over 200 pages of reading, work-study, projects and personal issues is a lot for young adults to deal with. Consequently, there are going to be times where you miss class, slack on assignments and are just not up to this “getting a degree thing.” Out of all of this mess and confusion, your first bad grade might pop up.

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