Trojans360 Articles

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Work On It Wednesday: Informational Interview

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

As college students, the best tool to network is informational interviews. Informational interviews allow you to become well-informed about the industry you’re interested in and are a great way to develop some contacts in your field. Top-level and mid-level executives rarely take calls from strangers, but for college students eager to learn there is an exception. Being a USC student is a powerful brand to get your foot in the door, so use it to your advantage.

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Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

Work On It Wednesday: Asking for Help With Your Job Search

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

Getting a job is tough. Especially when there are endless paths you can take with your degree. Instead of trying to determine a career path on your own, reach out to your network for help. Your contacts’ experience will help steer you in the right direction and their suggestions of who to talk to will ultimately lead you to a job. While there is nothing wrong with asking for help with your job search, how you ask for help makes a huge difference.

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Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

How to Prepare for the USC Career Fair

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

The first step to prepare for any event is to know when it is and RSVP. This Thursday from 10:00am-2:00pm, the USC Career Center is hosting their Fall Career Fair. There will be over 160 different company booths lined up across Trousdale Parkway with recruiters looking to network, collect resumes, and hire USC students. Use my timeline below to prepare and standout at the USC Career Fair!

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