Trojans360 Articles

College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

Back To School Tips

I love back to school season! This time of year always feels magical because the possibilities are endless. Ast the school year goes on, it's easy to fall into bad habits, but in August, I always like to pretend that's not going to happen. I’ve always considered myself a pro at making back to school resolutions, but I struggled with keeping them. Last year, however, I was able to make my healthy habits stick. So, without further ado, here are my back to school tips to help you start off the school year on the right path… and stick to it!

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College, First Years Trojans360 College, First Years Trojans360

Navigating Your First Year as a Trojan: A Quick Guide for Spring Admits

Welcome to campus, new Trojans! As the spring semester starts off, some Trojans are heading into their second semester on campus while others are just learning their way around. If you’re a Spring Admit, you’ve made it to the right place! At Trojans360, we want to help you learn about all the best spots to grab dinner, the best study spots to chill (or work) between classes, how to use Web Reg to get enrolled in classes, and give you advice on ways to get involved in the community. From insight straight from Spring Admits themselves to general tips to get familiar with campus, let our bloggers answer many of your burning questions.

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