Trojans360 Articles

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Introducing USC’s Career Launchpad

By: Lanie Brice ‘24

USC Career Launchpad is your answer to your internship or post-grad job anxieties. For the last couple months, we’ve all been stressing over landing an internship for the summer or landing the perfect post-grad job offer. Figuring out the future is always daunting, and it can be a challenge to curate the perfect resume, make the right connections with people in your field, and have the skillset to stand out.

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First Years, Helpful Tips Trojans360 First Years, Helpful Tips Trojans360

Advice from a Spring Admit to Other Spring Admits

By: Camila Grases ‘21

Welcome to all the newest additions to our campus! During these first few weeks, perhaps you have started to feel as though you aren’t so welcome here, maybe if it’s because people already have groups of friends, a routine, an understanding of campus. If you are an introvert like me, this sentiment is probably even worse, the size of the university may be overwhelming. But do not worry, all your peers who seem like they have got it down were once in your position. My hope is that by the end of this post you feel welcome and you feel like you have a place here. It’s gonna take work but it’s worth it.

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A letter to my fellow graduating seniors.

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

It’s senior year y’all! And whether you transferred to this beautiful school at some time during your colligate journey or have been here since year one… the lessons we’ve learned and our growth deserve to not only be celebrated but to be reflected upon.

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My Favorite Things About USC

By: Lindsey Hamilton ‘22

Raindrops are nowhere while walking through campus

Bright kids all around and “Fight On’s” from Trojans

Brown paper bookstore bags filled with school merch

These are a few of my favorite things!

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Unconventional Grad Photos

By: Jamie Wu ‘18

Mudd Hall, Doheny Library, VKC arches are all great places to take graduation photos at USC. But how often do USC students actually spend the majority of their time at those places? We take an inside look into a student who chose the non-traditional path of graduation photos. When asked why she opted for these unique photos, Anna responded with: “I wanted to take graduation pictures that truly defined my last 4 years at USC. While taking the typical photos on traveler or popping champagne bottles are aesthetically pleasing, I wanted to capture my authentic USC experience. Taking these photos were exhilarating because people were staring at us and taking Snapchats the entire time, but we didn’t care at all. Life is so much more fun when you aren’t afraid to be yourself.” For photography, I personally believe that the best photos are the ones taken with no editing, no filters–just you and the camera. So naturally, when Anna and I combined our ideas this is what we got. We went around some of her favorite spots on campus to shoot for these authentic photos.

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The 6 Most Useful USC Classes for Life

By: Jamie Wu ‘18

As a senior, I’ve taken my fair share of classes here, ranging from linear algebra, acting 101 to Byzantine art history. But as I’m sure we can all agree, school sometimes doesn’t get us ready for the real world. Throughout my time here, these are the classes I’ve found to be the most helpful in my everyday life. If you still have time left in college, I highly suggest taking a look at some of them.

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Steps to Becoming a Better Reader In College

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

I came into college thinking I was all that in a bag of chips. Reading on point, essay writing skills on point, time management on point; but after a couple of weeks during my first semester of college…my academic confidence tanked.

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Best Flicks: Guarding USC’s Icons

By: Joy Ofodu ‘18

One of our most mysterious rivalry traditions of our annual Troy Week is the ritualistic guarding of USC’s most prominent statues and icons on campus, namely Tommy Trojan, Traveler, George Tirebiter, and Hecuba (the newest addition to the USC Village and icon family).

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LA Life Trojans360 LA Life Trojans360

Air + Style: Music Festival Recap

By: Terry Nguyen ‘20

What originated as a snowboarding competition 21 years ago in Innsbruck, Austria has grown to be a global event that merges the latest music and the sport into an unforgettable two-day experience. From Feb. 18 to Feb. 19, Air + Style brought the world’s best snowboarders to downtown Los Angeles’ Exposition Park and rising artists, like Grammy-award winning DJ Flume and USC alumnus ZHU. Despite rain or shine, the festival went on for both days from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m., and crowds gathered enthusiastically between the Winter and Summer stages throughout the course of the afternoon into late evening. Their energy did not quell between the sets, as hundreds of people bunched towards the front of the stage, anxiously awaiting their favorite artists.

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Campus Life, SC Spotlight Trojans360 Campus Life, SC Spotlight Trojans360

Trojan Marching Band: Behind the Scenes

By: Lilly Diaz ‘20

For those that don’t know me, I am a huuuuuge lover of music. Ever since I was able to walk and talk, I have always had a love for singing, dancing, and playing instruments. I recall one day actually digesting the idea that I was finally a senior trombonist in my high school (this past spring) band. And when I received my letter to USC, I remember feeling stoked about joining the Trojan Marching Band (TMB) as a trombonist. And look where I am now – a freshman at USC and in the TMB.

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