Trojans360 Articles

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The Truth About Being “That Annoying Person Studying Abroad”

By: Judy Lee ‘17

I’ve definitely been there. My older sister studied abroad in France when I was in high school and I remember her returning from her trip and complaining about the disgustingly large food portions America has. “There they go again,” we all collectively say, “just another study abroad student bragging about their trip that somehow makes them so much more special now.” Not gonna pretend that isn’t the attitude most people have, and the person I have come to sympathize with.

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Look Up: Madrid

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Hey there! I’ve decided that while I’m abroad, I might as well document these once-in-a-lifetime memories through a compilation of footage I get while hopping from place to place. So with that, I introduce to you…The Look Up series, by yours truly.

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