Trojans360 Articles

Virtual Weekend Activities
Trojans360 Trojans360

Virtual Weekend Activities

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

I don’t have to tell you that the 9-0 is closed. There are no parties on the row to attend, no basketball games to frolic to, and sadly, we can’t watch movies with friends or take a trip to the beach. In place of in-person fun, I’ve combed the internet for some cool virtual events to attend this weekend!

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A letter to my fellow graduating seniors.
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A letter to my fellow graduating seniors.

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

It’s senior year y’all! And whether you transferred to this beautiful school at some time during your colligate journey or have been here since year one… the lessons we’ve learned and our growth deserve to not only be celebrated but to be reflected upon.

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Preparing Your Body + Mind for Winter: Finals, Seasonal Depression and Family
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Preparing Your Body + Mind for Winter: Finals, Seasonal Depression and Family

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

Winter is tough. Get ready and stay ready. Yes, Winter is the season to spend time with family over the holidays, drink hot chocolate, and take cute pictures in your coziest gear, but the colder months can bring about challenges for many of us. Seasonal depression, finals-induced stress, family drama, and terrible skin are just a few of the perils that may affect us, college students.

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Productivity Tips and Quotes to Kickoff Your Spring Semester
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Productivity Tips and Quotes to Kickoff Your Spring Semester

By: Ellice Ellis ‘18

If you’re struggling to find the motivation to get things done, you’re not alone. These days I dread starting my homework, doing a reading or even waking up for class because it forces me to face the fact that there is work to be done. Here are a few motivational tips and quotes to get you out of bed and hopefully in Leavey (or your preferred study room).

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Events You Can’t Miss This Week
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Events You Can’t Miss This Week

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

There is no better way make the most of your week than taking a study break and going to a cool event. Personally, I try to go to one non-academic event a week. I like to view them as mini-adventures, introduce myself to something new, meet new people, and take a break from studying. So to help you create some new memories and learn something new here are some events happening this week (Jan 23rd-Jan 27th).

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8am Survival Guide
Trojans360 Trojans360

8am Survival Guide

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

Before coming to college, I was a morning person. I typically would wake up early and do chores, exercise, and cook. I truly thought I was the early-bird who catches the worm. My first 8am proved me wrong. My first semester of freshman year I had an 8am on Mondays and it was h-e-double hockey stick. I was constantly late, tired and cranky. I forgot assignments and even went to the wrong classroom sometimes. Eventually, I learned from my mistakes and was able to thrive and get an A in the class. I bet you’re wondering how I did it, aren’t you? Keep reading for 8am survival tips.

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Steps to Becoming a Better Reader In College
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Steps to Becoming a Better Reader In College

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

I came into college thinking I was all that in a bag of chips. Reading on point, essay writing skills on point, time management on point; but after a couple of weeks during my first semester of college…my academic confidence tanked.

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Self Care at ‘SC
Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Self Care at ‘SC

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

Between midterms, jobs, internships, homework, and relationships taking time for yourself can be the last thing on a student’s mind. Taking on too many tasks, overbooking yourself, and never slowing down can put a student in a diminished physical, emotional, and mental state.

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