Trojans360 Articles

College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

Joining a Consulting Club as a Non-Business Student: My Best Tips

I’m a current senior studying biomedical engineering (BME) with an emphasis in electrical engineering. However, my time at USC in terms of extracurricular activities was not BME-focused; rather, it was consulting-focused. I joined AIM (Association of Innovative Marketing Consulting) in the first semester of my sophomore year and was immediately placed as a Project Manager of a team. Following my experience there, I joined the E-Board and have taken on different roles within the club, ranging from social media management to client recruitment.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Little Known Clubs to try at USC

By: Angela Wang ‘22 and Sophia Pei ‘22

Want to try something new? Try joining a new student organization here at USC! We know how overwhelming involvement fair can be, so we sat down and interviewed the Eboard of three new, exciting clubs! From magic to public speaking practice, keep reading to learn more about some cool organizations and expand your horizons!

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SC Spotlight Trojans360 SC Spotlight Trojans360

Combining Conspiracy and Philanthropy with The Rabbit Hole Club

By: Antonia Le ‘22

When many people think of conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists, it’s likely that they think of some forty-year-old guy, still living on his parents’ basement, posting about how lizards are controlling the world on websites such as 4chan or Reddit. However, this image can be as far from reality as the lizard people conspiracy theory is. In fact, at USC, the faces behind the conspiracy theories are people just like you and me. Meet The Rabbit Hole Club. Started this semester, this club meets every Wednesday in VKC 259 in order to debate conspiracy theories, have a good time, and figure out how to do some good in the world.

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First Years, Campus Life Trojans360 First Years, Campus Life Trojans360

How to Find the Right Club at USC for you

By: Kelly Kinas ‘16

So there you are. Watching the same show on Netflix for the twenty-third time. You want to do something but you don’t really know what so you just watch Netflix because you think there’s nothing else for you to do. Well, you’re just so lucky you ran into this blog post as you were scrolling through your Facebook feed because I am here to help. USC has some many opportunities to take advantage of but the real problem is trying to find out what they are and finding them, which is why you have us! A great way to fill up your free time, get involved on campus, help the community around USC, and get leadership experience is through clubs and on-campus organizations. I know. It sounds too good to be true but it isn’t!! Here are some tips for finding what club you belong with here at USC.

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Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

Work On It Wednesday: Leadership

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

Ta-Dah! You’ve made it to the third week of classes. You are finally getting settled in and bam—a group project with students you have never met before. Thus, this week’s focus is leadership.

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5 Things I Learned From Getting Rejected By Two Organizations

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Cue self-loathing and re-reading my rejection letters 5 times each. It’s hard to deal with the doubt that creeps into your head and combat the emptiness of not feeling like you belong. To be completely honest: I was broken up about it for the rest of day—it was a double whammy and I couldn’t deal.

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