Trojans360 Articles

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10 Tips For Succeeding in a Different Time Zone

By: Ngai Yeung ‘23

I never expected “15 hour time difference” to be an issue when I first started college; but here I am, just six months into my first year facing a most bizarre academic challenge. After trying out different methods of adjusting for a month, I’ve compiled the following list of tips for succeeding in different time zones – I hope these will help you as much as they have helped me.

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Is a Class Right for You?

By: Talia Walters ‘20

We are in the midst of the most exciting time of class registration during the semester: the three-week add/drop period. Over the next week and a half (decisions must be made by FRIDAY, JANUARY 31st), everyone is able to try out classes, switch out of and into new classes, and drop classes they don’t actually want to take. But sometimes, it’s hard to figure out if you should continue taking a class because you just don’t know what the best decision is. Now, I’ve been around the scheduling block a few times, and I’ve made my fair share of scheduling decisions down to the wire of the add/drop period. So, I’ve come to help and share my wonderful knowledge. Here are 8 questions you should ask yourself when deciding if a class is right for you:

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Worthwhile 2-Unit Classes to Supplement your Schedule

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

Did you know that every semester you pay for up to 18 units with your tuition? Most students take 4 classes (16 units), but there are a bunch of fun 1 and 2 unit courses you could take to supplement your experience. The add/drop deadline is January 21, so go ahead and try out some classes. Keep reading for a list of worthwhile 1-2 unit courses!

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When To Take A Class Pass/Fail

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

As the year begins to wind down and we make our plans for the next semester, you may or may not be considering taking a class Pass/Fail. While it is still pretty early in the decision-making process, it does not hurt to get a jump start in considering all your options. If you do not know what the Pass/Fail option is, you can read here to find out, but if you do and you are just not sure whether it is the right decision — keep on reading!

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Reading Web Reg: A Visual Guide to USC’s Class Scheduling System

By: Talia Walters ‘20

As we’re all buckling down for finals season, sometimes we just need to take a break. And what better way to spend that break than to schedule your classes for next semester! We’re deep into registration season already, but as we get to the last students’ registration times, it might be helpful to look back and make sure we’re getting the most out of our lovely web registration system. If you’ve ever been unsure of how to best use Web Reg to your advantage, this is a step-by-step visual guide to getting the most out of USC’s Web Reg system.

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Unique Minors at USC

By: Talia Walters ‘20

USC has hundreds of minors in almost every single school, and so sometimes it’s hard to find the right minor for you. There’s so many that it’s overwhelming to try to sift through all of the programs, and often, minors that are really interesting, cool, and unique get thrown to the wayside only because students don’t know about them. To try and combat this, I’ve curated a list of 16 unique and interesting minors (by my standards) below that I’ve never heard someone declare. As always, if you have any questions about if you have room for a minor or how you declare a minor, it’s best to stop by your major adviser’s office so they can…well…advise you in the right direction.

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A Summer in the Arc Lab - Why it can be nice to work for yourself and others

By: Camila Grases ‘21

In the summer of 2017, someone on the third floor of The Ahmanson Center (ACB) pulled a chemical wash shower and left the building. As the building began to flood, many began to realize that USC’s priceless collection of artifacts contained in the Archeology Lab on the third floor of ACB was in danger. These artifacts, mostly ceramics, are highly sensitive to even the slightest change in humidity, let alone the gallons of water pouring out of the shower. This flood was threatening thousands of years of priceless objects. An emergency evacuation took place and the collection was moved to an external storage site for nearly two years. Finally, in March of 2019, the collection was returned home.

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Save the Climate and BISC-499!

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

Stressed out because you aren’t doing anything productive this summer? Want to study abroad in China? Want to do research on climate change and its impact on the ocean? Check out USC’s Problems Without Passports course BISC-499: Our Future Changing Ocean. Due to a recent last-minute student dropout, we need at least one more student for this course to continue. As someone who is really passionate about environmental conservation, I would really love for this course to continue. If you’re interested please keep reading!

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