Trojans360 Articles

Free USC Career Resources (That Aren’t Career Advising)
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Free USC Career Resources (That Aren’t Career Advising)

Before I started working at the Career Center in my sophomore year, I assumed USC’s career services were limited to their in-person advising appointments and online job boards. If you’re unfamiliar with the general or school-based career centers, you might be unaware of just how many free resources USC offers to help you prepare for a successful career.

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Tips to Find an On-Campus Job (From a USC Career Center Intern)
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Tips to Find an On-Campus Job (From a USC Career Center Intern)

It’s never too late to find an on-campus job. Trust me, I didn’t hear back from my work-study job until Thanksgiving break of my sophomore year. Over the course of three months, I had applied to dozens of on-campus jobs to no avail. Between midterms and holiday stress, I was discouraged and defeated. I was convinced I wouldn’t find a job at all that year if I hadn’t secured one already. Out of the blue, I landed an interview at the USC Career Center. Two years later, I was promoted to Lead Student Engagement Intern. 

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Introducing USC’s Career Launchpad
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Introducing USC’s Career Launchpad

By: Lanie Brice ‘24

USC Career Launchpad is your answer to your internship or post-grad job anxieties. For the last couple months, we’ve all been stressing over landing an internship for the summer or landing the perfect post-grad job offer. Figuring out the future is always daunting, and it can be a challenge to curate the perfect resume, make the right connections with people in your field, and have the skillset to stand out.

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I Went to the Career Center for the First Time
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I Went to the Career Center for the First Time

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

Before this week, I had never been to a career fair, I had never visited the career center, and I wasn’t doing internships that were even remotely related to my major or career interests. Oh. And I’m a first-semester junior. Watching my friends look for internships and jobs to boost their resume made me happy for them, but also a little scared for myself. Was I behind? Did I need to be networking my butt off in the way all my friends were?

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Expand Your Career Horizons at Explore @ 4
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Expand Your Career Horizons at Explore @ 4

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

Have you ever heard of Big Data? Big Data explains that with the world’s use of technology constantly growing, the mass amount of data we produce can be organized and analyzed for key insights. Yesterday at Explore @ 4, there was a panel of five data scientists working for various companies, Dun & Bradstreet, Verizon, Netflix, KIPP, and OpenX, who use data to solve business problems.

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