Trojans360 Articles

College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

What It’s Really Like Living in New North (When You Didn’t Want To)

New North! The residential hall that everyone talks about like it’s one of the nine circles of hell. That’s where I spent most of my Freshman year, rotting away as I attempted to feed myself while simultaneously going to school (harder than it seems). I was not intentionally in New North. When I filled out the housing application, I put Birnkrant as my first choice, which was mainly because they had an elevator. Also, everyone online said that New North was the party dorm, which I wasn’t exactly for or against. It seemed like it had the potential to be entertaining but also very annoying. That’s exactly what it was like.

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College, First Years Trojans360 College, First Years Trojans360

Should Freshmen Live in Sophomore Apartments? Advice From a USC Student Who Tried It

No matter what year you’re in, deciding where to live for the upcoming school year is always a daunting task. Whether it’s deciding to live on or off campus, finding something within your budget, or looking for suitable roommates, there are so many factors to consider in choosing a living situation. But, as incoming freshmen, it can be especially challenging. Before setting foot on campus, first-years have so much to learn, and understanding housing options is one of the first major steps into acclimating to college life.

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College, Campus Life, First Years Trojans360 College, Campus Life, First Years Trojans360

Ranking All the USC Housing I’ve Lived In: Century, Parkside, Troy Hall, and Gateway

At USC, most freshmen live on campus in freshman specific housing structures like Birnkrant and New North. Sophomores then have the most ease and choice in their housing because of the sophomore housing guarantee. They can choose to live in a suite-style unit in the USC Village or one of USC’s apartment complexes on or off-campus. After your sophomore year, you lose priority in USC’s housing assignment system, so most upperclassmen that previously lived in USC housing move to independent housing near campus. 

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

The Freshman Dorm Guide

By: Claire Wong ‘23

It’s housing season and there are so many options! There are so many to chose from and so many different styles. Here is a guide to all the reputations, amenities, and everything you need to know about each freshman dorm!

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