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Spice up your life! 2-Unit Courses for Fall 2016

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

If you still have space for 2 more units in your schedule, look no further. The department chairs of a number of programs make a list every semester of “Courses of Interest” for students who aren’t majoring in the field but might find them enjoyable and beneficial for one reason or another. I myself have already taken 3 off this list, all in the film school, and promptly realized I wanted to minor in Screenwriting as a result. So maybe this will help shape your major/minor decision making process or future career goals or maybe you’ll just have a really interesting 2 unit course this semester and that’s perfectly valid, too! Whatever the case may be, I’ve taken the liberty of choosing the FIVE COOLEST 2-UNIT COURSES this fall and have listed the rest below, as well, if you don’t trust me or your tastes differ.

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