Trojans360 Articles

Trojans360 Trojans360

Is College Worth It?

By: Jamie Wu ‘18

It seems like everyone is going to college. But is it worth it for you? Especially now when it’s costing hundreds of thousands of dollars? Watch this video to find out!

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Truths From a Sober Trojan (FAQ)

By: Joy Ofodu ‘18

I have delayed writing this for at least two years for fear of doing it wrong; I don’t want my relayed sobriety experience to be pedantic or preachy, or stuffy, or polished or dishonest. Having survived another 4/20 in Los Angeles, it seems High Time to publicly answer questions that have plagued and amused me since I made the decision that I’d go through college without a drop of alcohol (or any other substance, for that matter).

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LA Life Trojans360 LA Life Trojans360

Ask A Trojan: How to Explore LA

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

Los Angeles is one of the best cities in the world. It has it all: endless food options, star-studded entertainment scene, vibrant nightlife, historical and modern museums - you name it. A while ago, someone asked us about the different ways to get around and explore LA. Here is my guide to exploring LA - from transportation options, recommended places to go, and other ways you can go out and experience it all.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

A Guide to USC’s Libraries

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

Recently, a student asked your hardworking friends at Trojans 360 to create a guide to USC’s libraries and I have volunteered my services for the task. As it turns out, there a lot more libraries available to met than I ever realized. If you want more information about the hours of these libraries or the services available, the USC library website has a whole lot of info.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Ask A Trojan: Freshman Move-In (Tips, Tricks & Packing Lists)

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

Hello there! First of all, great question! Although I am not an international student, I will try my best to answer your question! Freshman move-in day. I still remember the emotional mixture of excitement and nervousness as I started a new stage in my life.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Ask a Trojan: Rec Letters and Rushing Panhellenic as an African American

By: Kelly Kinas ‘16

Panhellenic Recruitment starts August 20th with the Rules Symposium. You can apply here until then but you may have some questions now. I am totally here for you! I rushed my freshman year, was on the sister side of recruitment my sophomore, & was the VP of New Member Education on the Panhellenic Council last year (Junior year)! So if you have any questions, just go to our ask box and ask away like s0phistique did! Her question was “What is it like for an african american student to rush a panhellenic sorority?”

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