Trojans360 Articles

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Productivity Tips and Quotes to Kickoff Your Spring Semester

By: Ellice Ellis ‘18

If you’re struggling to find the motivation to get things done, you’re not alone. These days I dread starting my homework, doing a reading or even waking up for class because it forces me to face the fact that there is work to be done. Here are a few motivational tips and quotes to get you out of bed and hopefully in Leavey (or your preferred study room).

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How I Stay Sane During the Second Week of Classes

By: Joy Ofodu ‘18

The first week back at school is like a highlight reel - you become re-acquainted with your dorm and friends, unpack your holiday gifts, and glide from lecture to work to the gym’s free fitness classes as if in a dream. By the second week, you’ll have received some kind of rude awakening - you return from a workout and your roommate didn’t refill the Brita. Your fellow E-Board members start sending demanding texts about funding deadlines. Somehow, there are 14 assignments, readings and peer reviews due. Also, you’ve fallen sick, and your family is complaining that you haven’t checked in. Fight On! Need help staying afloat? Here’s how I’ve tackled this second-week panic for the past 7 semesters:

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8am Survival Guide

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

Before coming to college, I was a morning person. I typically would wake up early and do chores, exercise, and cook. I truly thought I was the early-bird who catches the worm. My first 8am proved me wrong. My first semester of freshman year I had an 8am on Mondays and it was h-e-double hockey stick. I was constantly late, tired and cranky. I forgot assignments and even went to the wrong classroom sometimes. Eventually, I learned from my mistakes and was able to thrive and get an A in the class. I bet you’re wondering how I did it, aren’t you? Keep reading for 8am survival tips.

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The Truth About Getting A Bad Grade

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

To make my intro short; college is hard. Balancing massive amounts of free time, over 200 pages of reading, work-study, projects and personal issues is a lot for young adults to deal with. Consequently, there are going to be times where you miss class, slack on assignments and are just not up to this “getting a degree thing.” Out of all of this mess and confusion, your first bad grade might pop up.

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5 Reasons to Take CTCS-466

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

Los Angeles is known for film. Hopeful actresses and actors flock to the city in hopes of making it big and seeing their name in bright lights. Not only is it home to historic sets and studios- it also lays claim to one of the most highly ranked and prestigious film schools in the world, USC School of Cinematic Arts (SCA). Here at USC not only do we have an amazing film school but classes and programs at the school which are open to more than just SCA students. If you’re a journalism major like myself who watches movies to stay sane or a fan of the Spike Lees, Tarintinos, and Kubricks of the world; you can live out your wildest dreams at SCA.

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A Guide to USC’s Libraries

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

Recently, a student asked your hardworking friends at Trojans 360 to create a guide to USC’s libraries and I have volunteered my services for the task. As it turns out, there a lot more libraries available to met than I ever realized. If you want more information about the hours of these libraries or the services available, the USC library website has a whole lot of info.

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