Trojans360 Articles

10 Tips For Succeeding in a Different Time Zone
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10 Tips For Succeeding in a Different Time Zone

By: Ngai Yeung ‘23

I never expected “15 hour time difference” to be an issue when I first started college; but here I am, just six months into my first year facing a most bizarre academic challenge. After trying out different methods of adjusting for a month, I’ve compiled the following list of tips for succeeding in different time zones – I hope these will help you as much as they have helped me.

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6 Things to Consider When Declaring a Minor
Career, Campus Life Trojans360 Career, Campus Life Trojans360

6 Things to Consider When Declaring a Minor

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

It’s my junior year at USC, and I have decided to declare a minor. You can do it too! Sometimes it feels like it’s way too late to change your mind. It feels like it’s way too late to try something new or discover a new passion. I know that feeling. I thought I was too old to wander into new academic territory; after all, I’m a junior, and I’m adding a completely new minor to my academic plan. Maybe there’s a minor you’ve been eyeing or a double major you’re considering, but you wonder if it’s too late, or too much work, or too difficult. First of all, I would recommend that everyone should look into a minor, just because there are so many cool things to study, especially at USC, and your college years are the perfect opportunity to explore your passions and interests. Second, if you are considering adding a minor, there are six things you should take into account:

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Best USC Electives This Spring
Campus Life, First Years Trojans360 Campus Life, First Years Trojans360

Best USC Electives This Spring

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

If you’re anything like me, you are pretty pumped to have access to the Spring 2017 schedule of courses. There’s just so much potential and so many courses to choose from; my roommate and I were literally counting down the days before its release two weeks ago. Even if you’re not quite on our level of excitement, I want to make sure you’re aware of the amazing 2-unit courses available to you, regardless of your major. The Courses of Interest page conveniently details courses chosen by the designated departments for students who are not majoring in that particular subject but who might find them enjoyable and beneficial. Nothing like being well-rounded and multi-interested, am I right?

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