Trojans360 Articles

College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

I Dropped My SCA Major

Everytime I tell someone that I used to be in SCA, they have a visceral reaction. Usually it falls somewhere in between shocked and straight up shaming me for leaving the program. Yes, there is no denying that getting into the School of Cinematic Arts is an amazing opportunity – I will always be thankful that they gave me the chance to be a student there. This does not, however, change the fact that it was not for me.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Big New Movies to Watch This Year

By: Claire Wong ‘23

COVID-19 has been an interesting period for movies. Movies have been digitally released this year because theaters across the nation are closed. And without the theater experience, watching movie is not as appealing. Movies have been very much marketing their films differently this season and you may have missed some. Here are some of the best movies released this year!

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