Trojans360 Articles

College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

What I Wish I Knew Before I Transferred to USC 

When I transferred to USC, I had no clue what to expect from the university or LA. I was honestly so shocked and excited that I got into such a well respected school and niche program that I didn’t think twice before accepting a place at the school. Having only been to college on Zoom for freshman year, there was a lot I had to learn about being a college student and USC all at once. Despite all my fellow sophomore peers starting on campus for the first time at the same time as I did, our experiences ended up being largely different because I transferred whereas they started at the school from the beginning. Since I can’t go back in time, let me give you the wisdom on transferring I wish I could tell my past self before she committed.

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College Trojans360 College Trojans360

Everything New USC Transfer Students Need to Know

As someone who transferred to USC as a sophomore, I completely understand how confusing and disorienting it can be to start at a new university without the safety net of dorm life and special welcome events to fall back on. It can be hard to jump right into your classes while still trying to learn where the lecture hall is or where to get lunch. Hopefully Trojans360 can help soften your LA landing by providing a roadmap of practical advice and wisdom from those who’ve transferred to USC before you.

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My USC Transfer Experience Through The Marshall Pathways Program

My college application process started in November of 2020 and ended around mid-January of 2021. Even with a clear goal, I applied to anywhere and everywhere – in-state, out of state, Ivy League, state schools, and so many places in-between. I was anxious to get my college decisions, but as rejections from the more prestigious schools, like USC, started rolling in, I grew apathetic to the new rejection letters that I received.

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

7 Tips for Transfer Students

By: Samantha Romero ‘16

A new campus, an unfamiliar environment, and making new friends are all part of the process of transferring from a community college to a university. It’s been almost two years since I transferred, and it still feels like it was just yesterday. Here are some tips to ease the process of transferring and settling into a new campus.

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