Trojans360 Articles

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Visions and Voices: Anarchy in Asian America

By: Terry Nguyen ‘20

On Friday, March 24, USC Visions and Voices hosted a panel discussion with four prominent Japanese American directors and producers called “Anarchy in Asian America: Sex, Punk and Transgressive Cinema.” The three directors whose works were featured are Gregg Araki, Roddy Bogawa, and Jon Moritsugu; the panel was lead by producer Marcus Hu, who dubbed the directors the “bad boys” of Asian American cinema. The three had met in the 1980’s and have been in contact since, but haven’t had a chance to host a full panel together due to their busy schedules.

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Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

Tips on Making Your Digital Mark — Personal Website

By: Terry Nguyen ‘ 20

The spring semester may feel like a drag, but remember – life stops for no one, even if you have three midterms all in the same week (hopefully, not the same day). Career fairs, fellowships and summer internship applications are barely starting to roll out, and with that comes the need for a clear resumé booster to rival against the hyper-competitive students in your college.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

The wretched woes and learned lessons from Writing 150

By: Terry Nguyen ‘20

The writing requirement offered at USC is an undergraduate rite of passage: It is not explicitly stated so, but as a course requirement for all majors, Writing 150 is the epitome of freshman suffering. The late-night essay write-ups and the inevitable low paper grade in one’s college career will stem from this dreaded course, but in certain circumstances, we must embrace the beauty within this collective suffering. For those currently oppressed students taking this class — best of luck. Here are a few lessons learned and wretched woes you will experience from Writing 150.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

USG Presidential Debate: The Big Questions

By: Terry Nguyen ‘20

On Feb. 1, USC Annenberg Media hosted a town hall-style debate for the Undergraduate Student Government presidential and vice presidential candidates. The three presidential tickets for this year’s election – Austin-Morgan, Million-Vorhoff and Rachel-Rebecca — feature a diverse range of candidates from all aspects of the student body, and the topics they touched upon in their limited speaking time illustrated the goals and unique personalities of each platform. The questions were submitted by members of the undergraduate community, and topics such as tuition transparency, sexual assault prevention and diversity initiatives were raised. Each ticket was given approximately one minute to respond, and moderator Cole Sullivan selected the order in which they would answer. To those who did not tune into the USG presidential debate, here are a few important questions raised by members of the audience to the three presidential tickets and their responses:

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Gym Intimidation at Lyon: You’re Not Alone

By: Terry Nguyen ‘20

USC’s gym can be a frightening place to those unfamiliar with the humid aroma of Lyon Center’s testosterone-filled, intimidatingly sweaty crowd. No matter what time of day it is or whatever the weather conditions are, Lyon is sure to be inhabited by at least several weight-lifting fitness junkies and cardio enthusiasts, both of whom make up a sizable portion of the USC student body.

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