Trojans360 Articles

Campus Life, First Years Trojans360 Campus Life, First Years Trojans360

Welcome (Back) to USC!

By: Sophia Pei ‘22 and Jordan Bucknor ‘22

Whether this is your first time on campus or your return after 18 months away, we have compiled a list of must-reads to help you get in the groove of being on campus. Keep reading for more information and to know exactly which posts you should add to your reading list!

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

The Importance of Maintaining Close Relationships

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

With the raging pandemic and social distancing, it can be increasingly difficult to have meaningful interactions with friends and family. Perhaps your best friend, whom you previously saw every day, is halfway across the country in a different time zone, and, now that you’ve moved back home, the parents you missed are breathing down your neck and nagging about grades and future plans. Whether it’s due to the increased distance or the lack of any distance, your relationship dynamics have changed. To improve relationship quality and promote mental well-being, you should make the time to find ways to check in with your loved ones and show them you care.

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LA Life Trojans360 LA Life Trojans360

EveryTable: Equality vs. Equity

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

Everytable provides fresh, nutritious food at equitable prices for Los Angeles neighborhoods. Their unique business model fixes prices for their meals at different prices based on the average household income of the community. For example, an EveryTable location in West LA may sell bowls for $8 while the South LA location may have the same bowls for $5 to promote equity and provide food at an affordable cost in LA’s food deserts. Keep reading to learn more!

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Virtual Hangout Ideas

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

With a raging pandemic and remote classes, it’s easy to get Zoom fatigue. Here are some fun remote hangout ideas whether you’re looking for a game night with friends or are hosting a social for a club.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

USC COVID-19 Testing 101

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

Within the first week of classes, there was an incidence of 104 new cases of COVID-19 amongst students living on or near the USC campus. Awareness of proper hygienic practices like washing your hands for 20 seconds (or more) and social distancing has increased during this pandemic, but it wasn’t sufficient to prevent the parties and gatherings resulting in overall a hundred students now being quarantined at the USC Hotel. If you’re staying in or near USC and living with others, it is strongly recommended that you get tested for COVID every week. Here’s a quick guide on how to get tested.

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Quarantine Edition: Best At Home Workout Videos

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

Gyms, hiking trails, and beaches might be closed but that’s not an excuse to not exercise. Chances are, the nation-wide shelter-in-place initiative has made your lifestyle more sedentary. Nevertheless, healthcare experts recommend getting approximately 20 minutes of moderate exercise daily to maintain health and immunity. It’s advised you do try to get outside for sunshine, be it a power walk to the convenience store or a bike ride around your neighborhood. But whether it is out of concern for your own health or your loved ones, you may not be able to go out for that breath of fresh air. Try some of my favorite equipment-free at-home exercise videos to help you stay healthy!

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Love Song Recommendation for Every Situation

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

In theme of recent Valentine-related festivities, enjoy a broad range of underrated but amazing love songs. Whether you’re falling in love, want some songs to appreciate your amazing friends, or are moving through a breakup, you can explore the diverse field of music while exploring the depth of your feelings. As the Glee says, “Some songs can put to words what thoughts cannot.”

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Valentine’s Day Ideas: What to do with your 5 Love Languages Result

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

With Valentine’s day just around the corner, now’s the time to find out your love language, or how you most prefer to be loved. Keep reading to find self-love ideas (after all, you should be your own best lover) or Valentine’s ideas be it for friends or your special someone.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Worthwhile 2-Unit Classes to Supplement your Schedule

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

Did you know that every semester you pay for up to 18 units with your tuition? Most students take 4 classes (16 units), but there are a bunch of fun 1 and 2 unit courses you could take to supplement your experience. The add/drop deadline is January 21, so go ahead and try out some classes. Keep reading for a list of worthwhile 1-2 unit courses!

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