Trojans360 Articles

Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Why I Don’t Make New Years’ Resolutions Anymore

The start of the new year feels like a blank slate or the perfect opportunity to rewrite the script of our lives. For years, I embraced the spirit of the New Years’ resolution, partly because it was a popular grade school post-recess activity and partly because I genuinely enjoyed believing I would be a different person in the next calendar year. My lists would look a little different every year but would still be brimming with the same ambitious flavor.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Why You Should Watch ATVN

When I first stepped into the Annenberg Media Center, I was blown away — and also a little overwhelmed. Television screens stretch high up the walls, displaying various news outlets and types of current news. There’s overlapping sounds about sports, culture, health and foreign affairs. From KTLA weather forecasts to CNN political panels, the message is clear: there was always news, there is always news, and there will always be news. It’s a cycle that never sleeps.

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LA, LA Life Trojans360 LA, LA Life Trojans360

Splash or Pass: A Guide to Southern California’s Beaches

L.A. is known for good weather and palm trees. Part of the city’s picturesque stereotype is the quintessential beach: rolling, deep blue waves, miles of fine-grained sand and a blazing-hot sun. While I am forever grateful for my close proximity to several beaches, I’ve learned the beaches I prefer and the ones I don’t. This past summer, I took it upon myself to frequent as many beaches as I could to curate my ideal beach day. This is my list of beaches in Southern California I’ve most recently visited. Some are a pass, but some are definitely worth a splash!

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Trojans360 Trojans360

USC Votes: Learn How and Where to Vote

The 2024 Election is Tuesday, November 5. Visit USC Votes to register to vote, find vote centers, get reminders and info on key dates leading up to election day.

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