Trojans360 Articles

Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Why I Don’t Make New Years’ Resolutions Anymore

The start of the new year feels like a blank slate or the perfect opportunity to rewrite the script of our lives. For years, I embraced the spirit of the New Years’ resolution, partly because it was a popular grade school post-recess activity and partly because I genuinely enjoyed believing I would be a different person in the next calendar year. My lists would look a little different every year but would still be brimming with the same ambitious flavor.

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Get a Head Start on Your New Year’s Resolution: Easy Healthy Changes to Make Now

By: Karla Leung ‘22

Not only is the year ending, but an entire decade, making it the perfect time to make some healthy changes for the better. But you don’t have to wait for the New Year to start living a healthier lifestyle, the best time to start is now! Here are some small and big changes you can make to live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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LA Life Trojans360 LA Life Trojans360

5 Events in LA to Celebrate the New Year

By: Samantha Romero ‘16

Welcome 2016 with thousands of Angelenos at a free event hosted by The Grand Park and the Music Center. The event will consist of three music stages, two interactive projections, large art installations, a photo booth and a variety of food vendors. For more information about the event check here…

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