Trojans360 Articles

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The Art of the Coffee Chat 

“You should be doing coffee chats!” –– everyone, as soon as you enter college.

Everyone is a big advocate for doing coffee chats, but in my experience, nobody ever tells you how to go about doing coffee chats or even what a coffee chat is supposed to be. If you’ve run into this same predicament, this guide is for you.

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Career Preparation Resources @ USC

By: Ela Rybak ‘25

Whether you’re a pre-med student hoping to become a doctor or a business major set on investment banking, the job market can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Here are three tips to make navigating recruiting as painless as possible:

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What I Learned Applying for Summer Internships (Pt.2)

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

In the first part I covered the first step when it comes to applying for internships and the importance of a resume and cover letter. Now let’s get into what to do once you get those first two steps out of the way. Now comes research and actively applying.

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