Trojans360 Articles

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Things to do in LA: Night Hike at Griffith Observatory - Tips, Tricks, and My Own Experience

By: Camila Grases ‘21

Listen, there are two kinds of people in this world: (1) The “I’ve been on thousands of night hikes, I basically have night vision, and darkness is my friend” person or (2) The “I enjoy the night from the comfort of my own home, nature is definitely nice but maybe not when I’m outside, because there may be ghosts here” person. Honestly, I’m the second. I am afraid of the dark (just scared of a lot of things really), so when my team brought up the idea of a night hike, I was a bit hesitant. The more I thought about it, though, the more excited I got. Sometimes, it’s the things we are most afraid of that give us the most pleasure. Compared to other thrill-seeking events, hiking is a relatively mundane activity. If you really think about it, it’s just glorified walking. So, we add a little spice. Go at night, in the hills of LA, to watch a city that is more beautiful in the dark than it is in the light. Trust me, it’s worth it.

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Best (and Most Unusual) Ice Cream in LA

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

It may be autumn but it won’t be cooling down (much). Here are some of my favorite ice cream stores in LA that are easily accessible by public transport from USC. This list is not for the weak of heart, all of these stores are known for their unique (and unconventional) flavors so explore with an open mind!

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LA Life, Health & Wellness Trojans360 LA Life, Health & Wellness Trojans360

What Your Summer Housing Says About You

By: Kelly Kinas ‘16

Now that graduation as passed and the summer months are upon us, a majority of USC’s population is scattered across the country. Whether you’re back home or chilling in student housing over the summer or even in a brand new city for an internship, THIS is what your summer housing and living situation says about you (from a random USC student’s opinion)!

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Why You Need to Check Out Air + Style at Expo Park Feb 20-21

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

In case you haven’t noticed, there is construction of a huge ramp going on right in front of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Come Saturday, that 16-story ramp will be packed with snow—yes snow—and some of the best snowboarders in the world will be doing mad jumps and tricks, competing against one another in a head-to-head battle to be named Air + Style Tour Champion.

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