Trojans360 Articles

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My Favorite Black Female Artists of the Past Year

By: Justin Negash ‘22

The past two years in music have been devoid of “the usuals”. Without an album from the bigs like Frank Ocean, Drake, Kendrick Lamar and Rihanna, it’s created a hole in the music industry. Fortunately, the next generation of artists and producers stepped up to fill the void, and a majority of them were Black women. If 2019 was the rise of this generation, then 2020 was their crowning coronation. The year’s music scene was undeniably led by bonafide popstars Doja Cat, Meg The Stallion, and Lizzo. This article will continue in the music scene’s efforts to empower Black women in the industry; specifically, we’ll be looking at some of my favorite up and coming artists.

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3 Reasons Why Parkside IRC Is The Best Freshman Dorm

By: Justin Negash ‘22

Getting Parkside IRC was definitely my last choice on the housing portal. Everyone I knew in USC was telling me how IRC was antisocial, dark, and “away from all the fun”. I thought my freshman year, for lack of better words, would suck. Instead, I got an experience unlike any other.

Here are 3 reasons why Parkside IRC is the best freshman dorm.

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The Fresh Prince and I

By: Justin Negash ‘22

It’s 2008, and I’m eating my injera with chickpeas as fast as I can; scarfing down my dinner so that I’m seated and ready for 7:00. I’m ahead of schedule as the medley of infomercials and local plumbing advertisements bombard my television screen. I needed this; after a long day at school, I yearned to enter the world of Bel-Air and its certified ruler: the Fresh Prince. I’m counting the seconds until 7:00 hits as my family finally gets seated on the living room couch (ableit to much less enthusiasm than myself). 7:00 hits, and the fruits of my labor finally get realized. Finally, the Prince has arrived.

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