Trojans360 Articles

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Everything New USC Transfer Students Need to Know

As someone who transferred to USC as a sophomore, I completely understand how confusing and disorienting it can be to start at a new university without the safety net of dorm life and special welcome events to fall back on. It can be hard to jump right into your classes while still trying to learn where the lecture hall is or where to get lunch. Hopefully Trojans360 can help soften your LA landing by providing a roadmap of practical advice and wisdom from those who’ve transferred to USC before you.

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First Years, Campus Life Trojans360 First Years, Campus Life Trojans360

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Transferring to USC

By: Cherise Clough ‘24

USC was my dream school because I thought it was the perfect school for me. I got rejected when I had applied to start there for my freshman year of college and that rejection broke my heart. Two years later, I decided to apply to transfer—choosing to give myself one last chance at trying (even though I didn’t have much hope that time). Fast forward to 2021, and here I am living my dream, but has it been everything I expected? Here are just a few things I wish I knew before coming to USC as a transfer.

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