Trojans360 Articles

Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Easy Recipes to Try for the Fall

The coziness of fall is upon us, and with it an abundance of fall recipes to bake or cook. As someone who just got her own kitchen a little over a year ago, learning the balance between making dishes that are nutritious and ones that aren’t too difficult to make has been a journey. Also, I love to bake, and finding times to bake as a busy double major has also been a challenge. This year, I have found a few recipes that give off the coziness of fall without too many steps (or dishes)!

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

8 Easy Meals for Lunch or Dinner

Sometimes cooking in college can feel overwhelming, especially if you share a kitchen, or maybe don’t have a kitchen in your dorm at all. However, there are many simple and healthy recipes that you can make, and some only require a microwave. Particularly, Trader Joe’s has some great microwavable meal options! Here are some meal ideas from my kitchen including favorite recipes from my mom.

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Five 5-Minute Breakfast Ideas for College Students On the Move

As you snooze your seven alarms before your 9 a.m. class, throw on your clothes, grab your laptop charger, dash out the door into a lecture, and find yourself stuck in an endless cycle of eat, sleep, school repeat, let’s remember to take care of our health. It can be difficult when you’re on a time crunch to feed yourself (trust me, I went last semester only eating half a Barbell’s protein bar before my hour commute to work or my morning classes). So, here are some quick breakfast ideas that can be thrown together in under five minutes that will replenish your energy to start off your day happy and healthy.

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