Trojans360 Articles

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Last Minute Halloween Costumes

With midterms, work, and life in general, sometimes we just don’t have the time to come with an elaborate Heidi-Klum-as-a-worm costume. Nor do we even want to spend the money. So here’s a few last minute halloween costume inspirations from someone who was Snoopy with just her hair wash headband (conveniently with dog ears)!

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Campus Life, LA Life Trojans360 Campus Life, LA Life Trojans360

5 Halloween Costume Ideas Using Clothes Already in Your Closet

By: Lanie Brice ‘24

Halloween comes right in the middle of hectic midterms season which means coming up with the perfect costume might have totally slipped your mind. If you have Halloween plans but nothing to wear, here’s 5 costume ideas that you can throw together from items that are already in your closet. This way, Halloween can hopefully stay low stress, fun, and cost effective. Even if none of these costumes are the perfect fit, hopefully they can inspire you to look around your closet with fresh eyes to find ways to reimagine your regular wardrobe into a magical outfit for the night.

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