Trojans360 Articles

Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Your Guide to Having a Good Relationship with Your Roommate

At one point or another you have probably had or will have a roommate, whether that be in school or not. Sometimes it can be difficult to navigate living with someone new, especially if you are used to having your own space. From personal experience, I feel it is important to maintain a decent living environment to ensure yourself a safe space to relax and also allowing yourself more time and energy to go into school. Here are a few tips and habits you can utilize to build a mutually beneficial relationship with your roommate.

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College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

What It’s Really Like Living in New North (When You Didn’t Want To)

New North! The residential hall that everyone talks about like it’s one of the nine circles of hell. That’s where I spent most of my Freshman year, rotting away as I attempted to feed myself while simultaneously going to school (harder than it seems). I was not intentionally in New North. When I filled out the housing application, I put Birnkrant as my first choice, which was mainly because they had an elevator. Also, everyone online said that New North was the party dorm, which I wasn’t exactly for or against. It seemed like it had the potential to be entertaining but also very annoying. That’s exactly what it was like.

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Campus Life, First Years Trojans360 Campus Life, First Years Trojans360

Freshman Dorm Reviews: 2023 Edition

By: Kathryn Aurelio ‘25

A year ago I was scouring Reddit pages and outdated advice columns in search of the “best” and “worst” places to make my new home for freshman year. Although everyone has their own biases and preferences, here is a summary of the general consensus and my recommendations for the best places to live on-campus your freshman year.

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