Trojans360 Articles

Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

How I Stay Healthy With Dining Hall Food

When they say “unlimited,” I really take it as “unlimited.” Once, I hopped through all three dining halls in the span of an hour, which you may equate to “big back tendencies,” but jokes on you, there were just flies in certain establishments that I could not ignore. If you like seeking college advice from the greats of TikTok and Reddit like I do, you probably have been reassured that the possibility of the “freshman 15” is combatted by all the walking you will do around campus.

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College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

Ranking USC’s Dining Halls

USC offers many different meal plans to students, and if you live on campus, you are required to have one of these plans. Students can purchase dining dollars to use at dining halls and other campus dining options, or you can opt for meal swipes. Regardless of your plan, here’s the rundown on which dining halls to visit for the best meals at your new home for the semester.

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Campus Life, First Years Trojans360 Campus Life, First Years Trojans360

Have half of your meal swipes and dining dollars left? Here’s A Guide to Campus Dining Halls 

By: Kathryn Aurelio ‘25

As the semester ends and you’re cramming a semester’s worth of information into Quizlet flashcards, food can start to feel irrelevant (here’s your reminder to nourish yourself and get your meal swipe’s worth while you still can!). Whether you have 30 unused swipes or have an unlimited plan, here’s a quick guide to USC’s campus dining halls.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

What I Eat at USC Dining Halls in a Week!

By: Kristen Adams ‘25

At USC, you can choose from three different dining halls: EVK, the Village, and Parkside. There are pros and cons to each dining hall, though it is important to note that the ratings and opinions about each dining hall and the food they offer are subjective; every eater has different preferences! Below is a quick rundown and analysis of each dining hall, mainly taking location and variety into consideration. Following the rundown is a picture gallery of all the meals I’ve eaten from the dining halls in the past week. Enjoy!

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