Trojans360 Articles

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Football Season’s Over…So Now What?

By: Cameryn Baker ’22

If you’re a big football person and an avid tailgater, you’re probably feeling sort of at a loss about what to do this weekend. Since September 1st, you’ve always had the football team to count on for your Saturday plans. Even if the game was away, you could still always make an event out of it—you could go watch the game at a restaurant with some friends, or, if you were really dedicated, make a road trip out of it and go see the game in person. But we’ve fallen to the Irish, and season is over. Not another Game Day until next Fall. If you’re a football person, that hurts. But don’t be too bummed, to the point where you sit at home and do nothing all weekend. Think of this not as an end to something, but as an opportunity to go try new things. Here are some fun ways you can fill your weekends now that football season has ended.

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College Road Trip: First of Many

By: Cameryn Baker ‘22

College road trips have always been something that I thought you did as an upperclassman in college; once you’ve found your tight-knit group of friends and feel like you’re ready to take on this rite of passage. I definitely was not expecting to throw pillows, sleeping bags, and USC gear into my car and embark on my first road trip only three weeks into school.

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