Trojans360 Articles

College, First Years Trojans360 College, First Years Trojans360

Should Freshmen Live in Sophomore Apartments? Advice From a USC Student Who Tried It

No matter what year you’re in, deciding where to live for the upcoming school year is always a daunting task. Whether it’s deciding to live on or off campus, finding something within your budget, or looking for suitable roommates, there are so many factors to consider in choosing a living situation. But, as incoming freshmen, it can be especially challenging. Before setting foot on campus, first-years have so much to learn, and understanding housing options is one of the first major steps into acclimating to college life.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Off-Campus Apartment Guide

By: Claire Wong ‘23

With COVID-19, it is extremely difficult to get on-campus housing and many students have opted to live off-campus. There are so many off-campus housing options but what are the differences? After a few interviews and some research, here is a guide to the most popular off-campus apartment complexes around USC!

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