Trojans360 Articles

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Tips and Tricks to Get Started with Notion + Mini Notion Tour

By: Lanie Brice ‘24

Notion has taken the planning world by storm in the last couple years, but it can be an intimidating and confusing tool to get started with. Notion offers the allure of nearly infinite possibility of formatting, planning, and notetaking within an app that’s available on your computer, iPad, and phone. I’ve been using Notion on and off for a couple years now, and it’s taken me a while to create systems that support what I need and are easy to stay consistent with. Here are my best tips for getting started with Notion and how to best utilize it to stay organized during this already chaotic semester.

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Bullet Journaling Can Fix Your Life

By: Karla Leung ‘22

Now that the semester is coming to a close, you might have realized that your current system of organization might not be working for you. Whether you might want to start getting things organized in time for finals or start for the new year/semester, bullet journaling is an amazing system to organize and keep track of everything going on in your life. Starting to bullet journal this semester has helped me organize my life and keep track of everything that needs to be completed. Although bullet journaling has a defined system, the premise of bullet journaling is to make it your own and be creative!

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