Trojans360 Articles

Navigating Your First Year as a Trojan: A Quick Guide for Your Freshman Fall + Tips from a Graduating Senior
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Navigating Your First Year as a Trojan: A Quick Guide for Your Freshman Fall + Tips from a Graduating Senior

Congratulations to our newest Trojans on joining the family. I know you’re eager to get to campus, choose your dorms, and make shopping lists for the big move. Or maybe you’re just arriving in the Fall unsure of how to meet people or how to get to your classes; which dining hall has the best breakfast?

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Books Every First-Year College Student Should Read
College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

Books Every First-Year College Student Should Read

Navigating your first few months in college is not an easy task. Take it from me – as a freshman, I struggled to stay motivated in classes and fully engage in university life (not to mention that my first year was 100% online). As an English major, it’s unsurprising that I turned to books for some solace. Whether it be self-help guides, literary classics, or new fiction, books have the power to inspire every era of your life. To guide you in the right direction and set the mood for your college experience, I’ve compiled a list of a few books I believe every first-year should read.

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