Trojans360 Articles

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What It’s Like to Work for Trojans360

By: Claire Wong ‘23

As an incoming freshman, I was a big fan of Trojans360! I loved reading about different students’ campus experiences and used it as a tool as I prepared to move-in to my first college dorm! Recently, I found out that Trojans360 PAYS its writers to talk about their different experiences. I of course applied and was hired just last spring and have absolutely loved my time here. This is what it is like to work for Trojans360!

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USC Fashion Blogger Taylor Jean Gorski

By: Samantha Romero ‘16

For some people picking out an outfit can seem like a bore but for Journalism major and fashion blogger Taylor Jean, it is a form of art to express yourself. From fashion advice for students on the go to major trend spotting at this year’s Coachella read more about Taylor’s fashionable advice below in a one on one Q & A with the fashionista.

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Style Guru: Lauren Black

By: Samantha Romero ‘16

I’ve always known what I’ve wanted to do—become a fashion editor. My love of fashion came from reading stacks and stacks of magazines when I was young, and that turned into following blogs and editorial websites as the industry expanded. More so than reading, though, I’ve also loved writing. So I actually started off as a Print and Digital Journalism major but felt that studying PR would give me better access to the kinds of fashion opportunities that exist in Los Angeles, and it definitely has…

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How to Blog (In Case You Were Wondering)

By: Kelly Kinas ‘16

You’re reading this because you probably saw this is on Facebook shared by me or posted originally on Trojans 360. This is a blog (and the sky is blue). I was one of the co-founders of this blog for USC Communications and the University itself. I had no idea what I was doing at that point. I had a lot of opinions. I had a tumblr blog of my own for 4 years but it was mostly for reblogging harry potter gifs.

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