Trojans360 Articles

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How Cyber Aware Are You?

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

October is Cyber Security Awareness month in the United States. The news has been filled a plenty with cyber security news over the past weeks – Equifax got breached recently with the personally identifiable information of 143 million Americans leaked. Yahoo just revealed that all 3 billion of their user accounts were breached in an incident dating back a few years ago. As students, we often don’t step back to think about what personal information of ours might be out there. The first time you start paid work, you get your SSN, when you buy something online you use your personal credit card. With all of these breaches happening, what can you do to keep yourself safe online or find out how much of yourself is out there already? Here are five tips that I recommend.

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USC Capture the Flag Recap

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18 and Nathaniel Diakun

On the weekend of the 15th – 17th September, the Cyber Security & Forensics Organization at USC hosted its first Cyber Security Awareness Week Capture the Flag (CSAW CTF) event. CSAW is the largest student-run cyber security event in the world, featuring international competitions, workshops, and industry events. It was founded by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at New York University. A CTF is an ethical hacking competition where players solve cyber security challenges of various difficulties with the harder challenges assigned more points. The challenges are segmented by Binary Exploitation, Cryptography, Forensics, Reverse Engineering & Web Hacking.

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Arts, Identity & Activism ft. Riz Ahmed & Heems

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

USC Speakers Committee, USC Service Student Assembly, and Desis That Politic hosted an important talk on activism through art and mental health with Riz Ahmed and Heems of Swet Shop Boys on Monday, April 17th. I figure T360 readers would prefer videos as introductions instead of long Wikipedia like life histories so here they are:

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A Night of Talks: A Nobel Laureate and ex-CIA Director speak at USC.

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

This past March 9th, 2017 I had the pleasure of attending two speaker events. The beauty of USC is that you can have your major and still be in touch with your interests. My way of doing that is attending more speaker events that I should be on campus. It is rare that on the same day there are two high profile speaker events but the Thursday of March 9th was one of those days.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

5 Best Places to Study on Campus

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

It is that time of the semester when the whole campus seems to get serious about studies – midterms are in full swing, group projects assigned and for some panic sets in as they try to keep up with the express pace of classes at USC. Many of us think of Leavey Library but there are other great spots as well. Here is my list of the 5 best places to study on campus!

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Smartphone Apps to better your USC Experience

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

The amount of time we spend on our phones has increased at a exponential rate over the last few years. Smartphone screens have gotten larger and processing power is greater than ever. That means tasks that required a laptop before can now be completed or viewed on a smartphone. Here’s a rundown of a few apps that will better your USC experience.

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Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

Improve your Personal Brand - for students!

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

Winter Break is almost upon all of us. At this point, some of us are steaming ahead studying for finals. While for many of us, the thought of getting on the flight back home is enough to keep us from studying efficiently. Whichever boat you maybe on, the festive season brings with it a sense of reinvigoration. How does the college student make for a productive holiday? Here are five suggestions on how you can work on self-branding over the holidays:

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The Benefits of Attending a Student Conference

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

Last week the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) at USC and the USC Chem-E-Car Team attended the national AIChE conference in San Francisco. Every year AIChE takes about 10-15 students to the national conference so that students and can mingle and network with other students studying chemical engineering in the United States and around the globe. This year 26 students could attend due to it being near Los Angeles.

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